Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Sleep your way slim? It may not be that simple, but these 8 steps for ...

We know that eating less and moving more are key components of successful weight loss, but many of us don't realize just how much our sleep patterns can directly impact our waistlines as well.

Researchers have found that we eat more when we're sleep deprived ? as much as 549 extra calories a day. That's probably because skimping on sleep increases levels of a hunger hormone called grehlin that can increase our appetite and cravings for carb-rich foods.

Even when we do cut back on calories, sleep deprivation may still inhibit our ability to lose weight. One study tracked participants who cut their calorie intake by 680 calories a day; one group slept 8.5 hours a night, while the other group was restricted to just 5.5 hours a night. After two weeks, the sleep-deprived group had lost 55 percent less body fat and 60 percent more lean body mass.

Another recent study found that people who sleep less are more likely to consume high-calorie foods, get more of their calories from refined carbs, and eat fewer vegetables and fruits.

To make matters worse, the physiological symptoms of fatigue and hunger can feel the same. So if we're tired and sleep deprived, it can be easy to reach for a calorie-rich meal or snack in hopes of an energy boost, when we really just need more Z's.

And weight isn't the only thing that's negatively affected by poor sleep habits. Chronic sleep deprivation is also linked to an increased incidence of depression, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.

So clearly sufficient sleep is not a luxury ? it's a necessity.

Problem is, we're a sleep-deprived nation. More than one-quarter of Americans report not getting enough sleep, according to the latest stats by The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The reasons are many: Worry, stress, never-ending workloads, smartphones that allow us to stay connected 24/7. Turning to prescription meds and sleeping pills might even aggravate the problem: Ambien, by the way, is linked to semi-conscious night-eating, often with no recollection of it the following day, which only serves to worsen any weight-related woes.

Instead, start by taking a closer look at why you're short on sleep, and take the necessary steps to modify your behaviors and sleeping habits.

Try incorporating these eight strategies for a better night's sleep.

Set a schedule. Aim to go to bed and wake up around the same time each day, trying to stay consistent even on weekends. This is one of the biggest challenges for me, sleep-wise; I've found that setting an alarm for 9 p.m. each evening helps, by serving as a reminder to start winding down and get ready for bed.

Time your workouts right. Regular exercise (150 minutes a week) has been shown to improve sleep quality by 65 percent, but if it's too close to bedtime, it may interfere with sleep. Sleep experts typically recommend exercising at least three hours before bedtime to allow enough time for your body temperature to come down (cooler body temperatures are linked with falling asleep).

Unplug. Minimize screen time, particularly in the hours before bedtime. The artificial light can interfere with our body's production of melatonin, a hormone (secreted especially in response to darkness) that helps to regulate our sleep patterns.

Reconsider that nightcap.?? One drink with dinner is probably fine for most, but keep in mind that while alcohol may help you fall asleep, it can interfere with the quality of sleep that your body is getting.

Ease up on caffeine. Limit your intake to not more than 300 milligrams daily, the equivalent of about three cups of regular brewed coffee, and try not to consume caffeine after 2 p.m.

Avoid large meals before bedtime.

But don't go to bed hungry. Going to bed with a growling stomach/hunger pangs can make it hard to fall asleep as well. To reap maximum benefits of tryptophan, an amino acid that can help induce sleepiness, the best nighttime snack is one that contains a blend of carbs and protein: Peanut butter spread onto whole grain toast, a carton of plain lowfat Greek yogurt topped with a bit of fiber-rich cereal, or a few whole grain crackers with thinly-sliced cheese.

Supplement wisely. Anecdotally, many of my clients have found that taking multivitamins close to bedtime can make it harder to fall asleep, possibly because of the B vitamins that most contain. Taking 500 mg of magnesium at bedtime may help with falling asleep and staying asleep.

Other supplements that may be effective in improving sleep quality and sleep patterns include melatonin (0.3 to 5 mg once daily at bedtime), or a combination of lemon balm extract (80 mg) and valerian root extract (160 mg) three times daily. As always, check with your physician or pharmacist before beginning any new supplement regime.

Molly Kimball is a registered dietitian in New Orleans. She can be reached at eatingright@nola.com. Comment and read more at Nola.com/health.

Source: http://www.nola.com/health/index.ssf/2013/07/sleep_your_way_slim_it_may_not.html

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